Membership Renewal

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Last Update منذ عام واحد

You can renew member(s) in Members in your household by following the steps below. 

  1. Log into your account
  2. Select the arrow next to "My Household" on the left-hand side menu. 
  3. Scroll to the member(s) name that you need to renew, then select the small check box next to the troop number (under their name). The “renew” button at the top right of the page will turn green. * You can select multiple members in the household that need to be renewed following this step. 
  4. Select the green "Renew" button
  5. Confirm your information on this page "Confirm Member details" Select your Membership product either the Lifetime membership or annual membership, select Credit card payment and the "submit Member Details" button will turn green. Select "Submit member details
  6. It will bring you to the "Review cart details" select the green button that says “Review Cart"
  7. It will have an overview of the details. The Girl Scout Promise and Law on the right. Check the box agreeing to the Promise and law and the "Add Payment Details" box will turn green. Select the "Add Payment Details" box 
  8. It will bring you to the payment stage, enter your payment information, and the "Submit Payment” button will turn green, select the button. You will receive an order number and your renewal will be complete. 

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