Cookie Volunteers

Important Dates

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Last Update 2 years ago

Important Dates


Dec. 1: Troop Cookie Manager training begins via gotowebinar.

Dec. 6: Troop Cookie Manager training on demand via gsLearn.

Dec. 22: All volunteer access into eBudde (SU and Troops).


Jan. 4: Cookie program begins. First day girls/caregivers can access digital cookie.

Jan. 16: Troop Starting Inventory Order (SIO) and initial reward order due.

Jan. 17: Service Unit confirmation of SIO and initial rewards due by 11:59 p.m.


Jan. 30–Feb. 3: Cookie Booth Scheduler rounds.

Feb. 4: Girls begin Cookies on the Spot, Lemon-Ups stands, and mobile booths.

Feb. 4–6: Cookie delivery weekend.

Feb. 9: Cupboards open (hours of operation vary by location).

Feb. 17: Cookie booths begin! Bling Your Booth contest begins.

Feb. 23: First ACH sweep.

Feb. 27: Direct ship begins through Digital Cookie.

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